Tirien Steinbach 

Alum 2022

Tirien is a writer and crafter who works to support people and organizations to intentionally, creatively and impactfully align their purpose and principles with their policies and practices. A graduate of Berkeley Law School, Tirien spent seventeen years as an attorney, clinical supervisor, and then Executive Director of the East Bay Community Law Center, the community-based clinical program for Berkeley Law School. Tirien later served as the inaugural Chief Program Officer for the ACLU of Northern California, the inaugural Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Stanford Law School, and she continues to provide training, coaching, and organizational support to legal service and educational institutions through her consulting firm, Bridgeforth Consulting.  Tirien’s current work includes books on bridging our cultural divides through shifting from shaming and blaming to restoring and healing, in order to move our communities forward.