Zoë Schlanger
Alum 2019
Zoë Schlanger is a writer who covers how climate change and pollution impact human and non-human life. She is a staff reporter at Quartz, and her work has appeared in Newsweek, Wired, and The Nation. She received the 2017 National Association of Science Writers’ reporting award for a story on environmental racism in Detroit, and was a 2019 finalist for the Livingston Award, for a series on water and heat at the Texas-Mexico border. At the Mesa, Zoe worked on a book about the cutting edge of botany research on plant behavior, what it has to teach us about the possibilities of non-human intelligence, and what that means for our imagined place in the hierarchy of life.
The Mesa Refuge
PO Box 1389
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956