Irwin Keller
Alum 2016, Fellow 2016West Marin Community Fellow

Reb Irwin Keller is a spiritual leader, performer, activist, lawyer and former drag queen. He has been spiritual leader of Congregation Ner Shalom in Cotati, California, since 2008.
His most visible past work focused on LGBT and HIV advocacy: Reb Irwin authored Chicago’s Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Ordinance, passed into law in 1989 and still in force; he later served as staff attorney and executive director of the AIDS Legal Referral Panel of the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2014 he retired from show biz after 21 years as a comedian-actor-singer-writer with the acclaimed Kinsey Sicks, America’s Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet. Reb Irwin studied Hebrew, Aramaic, Yiddish and a range of Jewish Studies at the University of Chicago and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has worked as a Jewish educator and cantorial soloist at synagogues in Illinois, California and Washington, DC. Reb Irwin is a Storahtelling Maven®, trained in the ritual art of bringing Torah off the page.
Reb Irwin is a founder and convenor of “Of One Soul,” an initiative of the Interfaith Council of Sonoma County, working to defend the rights and dignity of the Muslim community and others who are under threat. He is also founder of the Taproot Gathering, a week-long experience of Jewish text study and embodiment practice for activists, organizers and artists. Reb Irwin is currently continuing his studies through the Aleph Ordination Program.
Reb Irwin is especially appreciated at Ner Shalom for his musical gifts and his challenging, humorous and unorthodox sermons, or drashot. You can read many of these – about Torah, Israel, God, community, disillusionment, hope and finding inspiration on the fringe on his blog, Itzik’s Well. His interest in making Jewish experience welcoming for everyone (including himself) has at times resulted in his wearing a skirt to shul. Read why.
Irwin Keller was nominated as a Mesa Refuge West Marin Community Fellow by Commonweal.
The Mesa Refuge
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956