Heather Bourbeau
Alum 2024
Heather is a writer whose poetry and fiction have appeared in 100 Word Story, Alaska Quarterly Review, The Irish Times, and The Kenyon Review, among others. The winner of La Piccioletta Barca’s inaugural competition, she has twice been a Pushcart Prize nominee and her work has been featured in several anthologies. A former journalist, Heather’s reporting has appeared in The Financial Times, The Economist, Foreign Affairs, and Foreign Policy. She works with various UN agencies as a writer and political affairs officer. At Mesa, Heather worked on a new collection of poems that further explores overlooked histories of the US West and her relationship to the geographies and communities impacted by climate change.
The Mesa Refuge
PO Box 1389
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956