Diane MacEachern
Alum 2007
I founded Big Green Purse when I realized that the way we spend our money is one of the most important ways we can make a difference. Why? Because it’s our first line of defense. We expose ourselves and our kids to what we buy, and to the consequences of what we buy. Buying less, and buying the safest products and services available, is within the reach of each and every one of us.
The way we spend our money has another huge impact. It sends a direct signal to corporations far and wide that we either approve or disapprove of the way they do business. You know, some corporations fight laws and regulations with the intensity of Hurricane Katrina. But they embrace what happens in the marketplace. They have to: consumer dollars are their lifeblood. And when we shift our spending to organic food or energy-efficient light bulbs or mass transit, we’re setting an important dynamic in place: we’re dangling a bright green carrot in front of companies that provide products and services and encouraging them to become more organic and energy-efficient, too.
But there’s more. Going green is a great way to save money. I’ve saved thousands of dollars on energy, water, practicing the 3 Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle – and even by making a lot of my own “stuff.” Going green has been as good for my bottom line as it has been for my health and well-being.
Today, through this website, our free e-newsletter, books, workshops, blog and media appearances, and keynote speeches, I share what I’ve learned with people far and wide. By ourselves, we can make a difference to ourselves and our families. But working together, we can change the world. That gets me fired up! What about you?
The Mesa Refuge
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956