Jacob Needleman
Past Event
June 25,2016
~Co-presented with Point Reyes Books and Black Mountain Circle~
Join Mesa Refuge Alum Jacob Needleman for a reading from his new book, I Am Not I.
Seeking to reconcile the split between our inner child and our adult self, eminent philosopher and religious scholar Jacob Needleman evokes the ancient spiritual tradition of a deep dialogue between a guiding wisdom figure and a seeker. In I Am Not I, the elder offers an initiation to a younger self, an initiation the author feels is missing from our culture. On one level, the book brings younger readers (teenagers and young adults) face to face with powerful spiritual and philosophical ideas. But as the book progresses, the dialogue delves into questions and insights that carry astonishing new hope and vision for every man and woman, challenging our culture’s accepted—and often toxic—ideas about humanity’s place in a living universe.
No registration needed. Please join us!
About Jacob Needleman: Jacob Needleman is a professor of philosophy at San Francisco State University. He is the author of many books on soul, philosophy, the world’s religions, and the meaning of life. He was featured on Bill Moyers’s acclaimed PBS series A World of Ideas. In addition to his teaching and writing, Needleman serves as a consultant in the fields of psychology, education, medical ethics, philanthropy, and business.
About Black Mountain Circle: Black Mountain Circle (BMC) is a nonprofit in Point Reyes Station, CA, that explores the relationship between spirit, story, and place. BMC programs include author events, retreats, book groups, and writing workshops for youths and adults as well as the biennial Geography of Hope Conference and the literary journal, West Marin Review.