Timothy Pachirat

Alum 2014

Timothy grew up in Khon Kaen and Chiangmai, Thailand, and currently works as an Assistant Professor of Politics at The New School for Social Research in New York City. He is author of Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight (Yale University Press 2011, paperback 2013), a book that relies on nearly six months of undercover research as a liver hanger, a chute worker, and a quality control worker on the kill floor of an industrialized slaughterhouse in Nebraska to explore how massive processes of violence are normalized in civilized societies. While at the Mesa Refuge, he continued work on an essay about the environmental, labor and animal protection implications of ag-gag laws that criminalize undercover investigations into factory farms and slaughter houses and to complete a play about a one-eyed dog who can see the future.